Monday, July 9, 2012


I threw my back out yesterday. My mother in law is coming in town tomorrow at noon. The house is a wreck. Messy, dusty and dirty. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, because of my back, the weather and her own whatever, she is no longer staying the night or next weekend. Thankful in some ways, but sad for my girls sake. And I threw my back out cleaning her bedroom out for nothing...

In happy news, my hubby and I got our date. We went to see Snow White and the Huntsman. It was fine. As far as epic movies go it was pitifully short on epicness. Epicness, is that a word? Kristen Stewart was Kristen Stewart. Chris Hemsworth was Thor (I loved Thor). Charlize Theron was pretty awesome as the Evil Queen...but after watching Once Upon a Time (twice) she wasn't nearly as amazing as Regina. Loved Once Upon a Time. The back story was so incredible. If you haven't seen it, DO!

Do you have Netflix? We got it a month ago. I'm completely addicted. While my hubby was playing a video game last night I laid on the couch and watched The Women on the 6th Floor. It's a French film. It has subtitles. I love subtitles.

I'll bet you didn't know I like French films. Loved Cryano de Bergerac (with Gerard Depardieu), the above stated film and am greatly looking forward to seeing The War of the Buttons with my brother's girlfriend when it comes out.

This post is rambling and strange...sorry...I'm on pain meds. And can't sit down...only allowed to stand or lie down. Have you ever stood up to type? It's an odd feeling...

When I am no longer in pain I will post something substantial. Lots happened over the weekend that I want to share. But not to type while standing up... 

I didn't forget about you. Wanted you to know.

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