Saturday, October 13, 2012


Pinterest is both the greatest invention ever and the worst torture imaginable.

Especially for someone who suffers food allergies.

I find great allergy friendly recipes, household hints, crafts, kid friendly activities, and pictures of gorgeous overpriced fashion. But then there will always be links to things like this:

Or this:
Or this:

Do you see my problem? After an afternoon on Pinterest, I started craving all sorts of cheesy things. But it was good for something. I learned how to best clean a stainless steel sink and then did it. Then the boys filled the sink with dirty dishes and no one can tell it was ever clean. Oh well. If you are a Pinterest addict like myself, look me up! You can find me here.

Also inspired by Pinterest, and the 6 pounds of apples sitting in my kitchen, I made homemade chunky applesauce. It was my own recipe, not one I found online, but the photos of Fall cuisine inspired me. The smell of fresh applesauce inspired a craving for waffles. Which I didn't get as I'm out of gluten free flour. My fault, I know.

Just wanted to say before I sign off that obviously, I did not take those gorgeous photos, however, if you go to my Pinterest Food! page you will find both the links and the recipes for them! Someone should enjoy them since I can't.

If you do make one, do me a favour? Tell me how good it was? (Or bad) "And remember this is for posterity, so be honest..." I have to live a dairy and gluten filled life through you now.

Bonus points to those who know where the quote is from. Not hard, I know.

Friday, October 12, 2012


It's Friday night! Anyone have fun plans? I have to live vicariously through you since I don't leave the house. EVER. Not true of course, but sometimes it feels like it!

The girls are sleeping (HOORAY! Miracle, you have no idea), the hubby is out with friends and I am hanging out at home. Alone.

It's nice! Yes, I have a million projects to do, but I am also going to relax, watch some Doctor Who, knit, and enjoy the peace and quiet. Today was loud and stressful so it's a great way to end!

Oh, yeah. And I need to clean. ASAP. I'll share a pic tomorrow (because I'm feeling lazy now) of just how bad my kitchen is right now. I didn't wash any dishes today, and now the sink (and beside it) are piled ridiculously high. There are no clean forks, spoons or knives in the drawer. I did dishes yesterday!!! What's the deal??? I'm convinced I have an evil imp who comes out when I'm not looking to dirty dishes.

Speaking of evil imps, we have a chipmunk living in our walls. He climbed in through the hole around the outdoor AC unit and is making himself quite at home. Every once and a while he makes his presence known by scurrying through the walls and making THIS sound. FREAKS ME OUT!!!

Just played that video, and the walls are now echoing me. EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!

Freakiest part of having a chipmunk? Took a bubble bath earlier in the week. My back is killing me this week and I thought the hot water would relax me. HA! Well, it did. Until, Mr. Chipmunk (Haven't named him yet, ideas? Alvin and Theodore were just too obvious) ran through the wall behind the bath tub, and then went under the bath tub. AND BUMPED UNDER MY BACKSIDE. I jumped a mile. Screamed. Threw my back out too. Now I'm paranoid about taking another bath. Sad, because I have a new book and a new bath salt to try out.

Anyone know the best way to rid a house of a chipmunk you can't get to?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Poor Baby

The girls woke us up this morning before the alarm went off.

It went like this:

Battering ram to the door, slams the wall open. Bright light shines down upon our faces.

At the same time:

Isobel: Mom, I don't feel good. I'm sick.


Sure enough she had. Not sure what made her vomit in her sister's bed...thankfully Tempe's bed has a mattress pad (potty training! more on that disaster another day) so it was an easy clean up.

Bel is currently lying on the couch looking pitiful, directing her sweet sister to fetch and carry for her. Mostly to keep T out of the way I think. T is being very sweet and than I expected for the girl who barfed on her favourite blanky.


I texted my hubby earlier: If today had to be a sick day, today is turning out ideal. No grumps, just sweetness.

Nothing especially productive has happened today, but the girls are happy. And I'm drinking tea by the potful. So I am happy.

In creative news:

New scented oils arrived this week! Cinnamon leaf, Cedar, Lemongrass, French Vanilla and more Lavender! Looking forward to some time making scrubs. I have 10 scarves/cowls done! Working on more cup warmers. Hopefully this evening I will have a couple of hair pieces done. Feeling pretty good about all I've accomplished so far and I still have a month before the show! Now if only I can sell a few things before then, I'd be golden. Can I just say, designing a craft booth is hard?

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Just a short post cause I'm tired, have a ton of work to do and am drinking a beer!!!

Yes, a beer. Gluten free. Ish. Apparently Heineken has low enough levels of gluten that it is alright for most intolerant people to drink. It may not be the best tasting beer in the world, but it's a beer!!! I guess I'll find out in a little while just how sensitive I am to gluten...

This cup cozy is my latest project. What do you think? Nerdy enough? ;-)

I think my next one will be a TARDIS... Or a redshirt. What do you think? I'll be selling them at a craft fair in November.

Well, my beer is getting warm and my knitting is waiting.
