Thursday, October 11, 2012

Poor Baby

The girls woke us up this morning before the alarm went off.

It went like this:

Battering ram to the door, slams the wall open. Bright light shines down upon our faces.

At the same time:

Isobel: Mom, I don't feel good. I'm sick.


Sure enough she had. Not sure what made her vomit in her sister's bed...thankfully Tempe's bed has a mattress pad (potty training! more on that disaster another day) so it was an easy clean up.

Bel is currently lying on the couch looking pitiful, directing her sweet sister to fetch and carry for her. Mostly to keep T out of the way I think. T is being very sweet and than I expected for the girl who barfed on her favourite blanky.


I texted my hubby earlier: If today had to be a sick day, today is turning out ideal. No grumps, just sweetness.

Nothing especially productive has happened today, but the girls are happy. And I'm drinking tea by the potful. So I am happy.

In creative news:

New scented oils arrived this week! Cinnamon leaf, Cedar, Lemongrass, French Vanilla and more Lavender! Looking forward to some time making scrubs. I have 10 scarves/cowls done! Working on more cup warmers. Hopefully this evening I will have a couple of hair pieces done. Feeling pretty good about all I've accomplished so far and I still have a month before the show! Now if only I can sell a few things before then, I'd be golden. Can I just say, designing a craft booth is hard?

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