Friday, November 30, 2012


I'm doing it...a Currently post. Sorry if you are sick of reading this same format from other bloggers. Skip and come back another day. ;-)


Listening to: Christmas music! Michael Buble is my favourite at the moment, but that can always change. Tony Bennett is going in next...

Reading: Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul, by John and Stasi Eldridge. About halfway through and I love it. Highly recommend!!! It has given me many great things to think about and pray over after reading each chapter.

Feeling: TIRED! And a little cranky. The whole family has been sick for a while now, with Tempe being the sickest. I think we're averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night. And she's stopped napping. Very ready for health to reign supreme!

Working on: Two projects! One is my cook book (great progress this week!) and the other is a large Christmas ornament for a friend. It is going to be lovely. Black and white satin flowers covering a large Styrofoam ball topped with a large silver bow. Can you picture it? After I finish I'll try to remember to post a pic of it. Found my camera!!!

Looking forward to: My birthday! And the school Christmas play to be over. I love that my husband has the opportunity of co-directing the play and he's enjoying it! But...the family misses him. Tempe especially as she is sick and only wants Daddy snuggles.

Making me happy: Moroccan food! Seriously, I found a recipe for a vegetarian chickpea dish that I am obsessed with. Don't believe me? Made it Monday and making it again tonight. My hubby and I fought over the leftovers so I'm making a double recipe tonight.

Loving: This picture. It's not the best in the world, but I was happy. He was happy. And we actually have a pic of the two of us! If you know either one of us, you'd understand how difficult this actually is...we hate being photographed! It was taken at the craft fair...obviously, we are in costume! He was Dr. Jekyll AND Mr. Hyde, and I was Mary Poppins. I think we're cute! ;-)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Birthday Girl

Favourite quote of the day: Tempe reading a flap book about striped animals, "If I had purple stripes, and was a bug, I'd be a [open flap] CATERPICKLE!"

Haha. I love my girl. She makes me laugh.

Her birthday was Halloween. She's now THREE! My baby is no longer a baby. So sad...

In belated honour of her birthday a few pictures of her! Hard to believe how much she's changed! I am thankful for the blessing she is in our lives. She is an easy-going kid (until you rub her wrong, then watch out!), who is fun and goofy and completely adorable.

7 months. At the beach for the first time. Loved eating sand.

16 ish months. Loved bouncing on everything (even her sister!).
18 months. Silly girl.
2 years, 6 months. Loved music, dancing, fish.

2 years, 10 months. Loves hats, dresses, and dancing to Train.
I can't find my camera at the moment or I'd share a more recent photo of her. But it isn't surprising I can't find it. Last week I tried opening my house with the car key remote, I lost my glasses then later found them on my face, lost my cellphone to find it in the fridge, and forgot to eat most days. Slowly we are recovering from Mommy's crazy spell.

Anyone else have weeks like that they care to share?

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Power of a Hug

Rough start to the day. Long hours of wakefulness last night. One tea bag (of the good stuff anyway) left in the house this morning. One man running late. One daughter losing her school things every morning for the last two weeks. And the other daughter crying about the cold and having the leave the house.

(If you are cold, wear shoes. Don't go outside on a 37 degree morning barefoot and expect to be warm. Three year olds...just had to point that out)

Saying I was a little grumpy is an understatement.

But I came home. Made myself that last tea bag (it was lonely by itself!) and sat. Thinking. Pondering. Praying. Confessing. Too many mornings I am tired and stressed out getting people ready and out the door. I shout the words "HURRY UP!" too much. I get grumpy when no one follows my schedule.

I sat and drank tea and felt badly for how I respond to situations. And then I hear the pitter-patter of Tempe feet running through the house. A sweet little voice asks, "Mommy, I want to give you a hug." And she does. A beautiful demonstration of God providing me with exactly what I needed when I needed it.

Hugs are important. Everyone should be hugged more.

In fact, there is a recent birthday girl who needs one right now.

Good-bye. Hug someone special today. You don't always know when someone could use the love and encouragement.